This sh*t is bananas

1847953620, I would’ve bought 99 Bananas, too
NotSpez, It looks like… OP went bananas
Oka, I’m allergic to bananas. I ate them all my life, but in the last couple years, they give me neusea.
Default_Defect, ![]()
This picture always makes me laugh, but because the dude looks almost exactly like a guy I went to high school with that ended up working at walmart for a while.
The layout of the store in the picture is wrong enough for me to know it isn’t him, but its wild anyway.
AlligatorBlizzard, sigh
4011 4011 4011 4011 4011 …
I’ve worked retail too long.
Dave, ![]()
This is me buying a week’s supply of bananas for my 3 year old.
idiomaddict, Only according to my receipt after the self checkout
mathterdark, as long as they have no bones, i’m sold
BuboScandiacus, ![]()
cindylouwhovian, Glory to Master Kogha!!
funnystuff97, yiga clan moment
lgmjon64, Obviously it’s that guy from the math problem.
ringwraithfish, If that's Dan Cummins, then that changes the entire context of the picture.
linux2647, How much could a banana cost? Like, $10?
sjpwarren, There is always money in the banana stand
Trarmp, 🔥💸
Gargleblaster, ![]()
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