At what point does an life form become a pet? Can a particularly mobile carnivorous plant be a pet? If you refuse to take down a spider web and shoo flies toward it, does the spider become a pet? If you release ladybugs in your apartment to cull aphids, are they pets? If you briefly tend a goat to sacrifice it to Morlak, lord of dreams, to steal everything but your landlord’s nightmares, is the goat a pet?
My experience so far is that most places say they don’t accept them but if you ask and you have a small dog, they’ll prefer taking a chance instead of leaving the place empty… But if you’ve got a big dog and you don’t own your own place then… You made some bad choices…
If I were renting I’d allow anyone to have pets if they were willing to increase their security deposit by the cost of replacing all the mounted rugs in the apartment. But if they stayed for many years and I had to replace them anyway just on wear and tear id give them the money back when they left.
Oh my, you were an exception, how does it makes you feel? ☺️
Did you read the part about “owning your own place”? You technically did, you just had to move temporarily due to exceptional circumstances, that’s not the same thing as buying a big dog and expecting to be able to easily find somewhere to rent.
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