Palestine is not a religious entity, and have been in favor of religious coexistence since the very beginning. It is the Zionist state that is exclusive of other religions by design.
When they’re celebrating the killing of civilians at a dance party, or the beheading of babies, it is a problem. Religion is the cancer that keeps that entire region either at war, or the brink of war
You’re gonna have to substantiate that claim. Show me evidence of Palestinians celebrating “killing of civilians at a dance party, or the beheading of babies”. Without evidence, your claim is to be ignored.
Israel is by its own definition the Zionist state founded on religious exclusivism. An ethnocentric state in a land inhabited by other religions and ethnicities. It should absolutely be taken down.
as I already said above, it is because it is an ethnoreligious state that excludes people of other ethnicities (Arabs, Africans, etc) and other religions (Muslims, Christians, etc). It has engaged in massacre and forced expulsion of those people, so it must be taken down and the genocide must cease.
No it is not their business to genocide ethnic and religious minorities lmao. Would you say the same about the Nazis too? was the US justified in genociding native americans also? ridiculous.
Forced expulsion is dtill inside their own country
yes it is. I hope you dont mean that this makes it better. I may be failing to understand this genocide sympathizer logic.
So you take them down with a genocide yourself?
No. The only one committing genocide at the moment and in this conflict is Israel itself.
It always works out fine for them. I don't know why anybody says imperialism or colonialism are bad or destructive, seems to me that Britain and France and Spain and Portugal and the Dutch are all doing fine. Really weird how maps of their empires seem to overlap a lot with parts of the world that currently or recently experienced a lot of, idk let's call it "troubles?" They must be dumb or smth
They weren’t countries. They became countries when the colonizers (and I’m using that term as accurately as possible) lumped together into managed regions and then told them they were countries with their own governments and flags. It was all “We’re going to conquer these people and these people and these people, then put Governor Fitzroy, nephew to the Prince, in charge of all of it with a big army to back him up.” Then they wrote laws and made flags and all the happy crappy stuff they do. Then they lost WWII (because pretty much everyone except for the US lost WWII), and said “you’re on your own.”
They turned former colonies into artificial countries with governments that all but guaranteed factionalism.
There was always war, and there always will be war. But the specific type of war we’re seeing in former colonies is because of the post-colonial situation.
Exactly and when they drew the borders of those artificial nations, they had a strange talent for choosing two or more peoples who would otherwise never have formed a nation together voluntarily, so they still don´t get along today and probably never will.
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