I'm glad someone said this here. It feels vile, being forced to do business with these corporations, but I end up getting bulk couscous (which has been scarce even in single bags or boxes in my rural, deep south community) for my autistic stepson who has very specific dietary needs. I can get very specialized disability equipment there, and it's delivered in two days (which is already two days longer than we can afford to wait, sometimes, but we make do.)
Yes, obviously, be ethical everywhere you can, as often as you can, but a blanket "dOnT dO bUsInEsS wItH eViL" is useless, whereas minimizing harm like with tips for links like this one is very helpful.
It's so insanely privileged. Reminds me of the same keyboard warriors who like to "raise awareness" by pouring ice water on themselves and then doing nothing else, feeling smug they did "something" when their only involvement with our causes is posting smug one-liners on the internet, or, of they're feeling particularly "helpful," changing their profile picture to reflect someone else's cause.