With the guarantee to never time out, I didn’t know student loans got traded like Pokémon cards akin to medical debt.
I wonder if you could get these buyers like you can get most medical buyers, with them not having the appropriate records to “prove” you owe it. 🤔I’m sure that loophole is probably closed for student debt though.
Somehow they’re an upgrade over the pure dumpster fire that was my old servicer (Fedloan, which I found out was owned by the fucking state government of Pennsylvania. Can’t believe the states are allowed in the loansharking game). I still want to go to Lincoln and show them a nice time, but at least those keystone fuckers are out of the game for good.
Thank you, it reminded me to pay my monthly fee for it, even if I never finished it. Thanks mandatory internship times and no help to get it besides some job listings on my college's site, and no guarantees for disabled student!
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