soulfirethewolf, I remember seeing this donut passed off as misinformation online where it was allegedly being distributed for free to children at Starbucks where it had Sharia law written on it.
Absolutely wild lol
isVeryLoud, Lmao Olympic levels of mental gymnastics
Track_Shovel, (edited ) Lmfao.
Bigots can land any mental flip
Jorgelino, Lmaaooo. I mean, why would that even matter anyway if they can’t read it? Do they think arabic is some sort of magical language that’ll cast a spell on their kids if they touch it?
interolivary, I mean, reich-wingers think that even telling kids about the existence of gay, trans etc. people will turn them into huge flaming queers, soooo…
Funny how seeing representations of cis-het people & relationships as a kid didn’t turn me cis or hetero.
My first solo Blender project! (Encoded by a potato!)
Track_Shovel, Amazing lmao
flambonkscious, Damn, good effort!
Maldreamer, Whats that language?
name_NULL111653, Black Speech, in its mode of Tengwar. It’s the writing from the one ring…
Maldreamer, Ahhhh Ii feel dumb that i didnt get the reference
AnarchistArtificer, You may feel silly, but this little exchange is part of what I love about the internet. This time, I got the joke, but there have been some many times when I have been the person saying “I don’t get it”, or being relieved to see someone else expressing the sentiment, because that leads to explanations. So many jokes fly over my head, so it always makes me happy to see mini conversations like this
FReddit, Sweet!
someguy3, What does mine say?
pete_the_cat, My delicious!
WereCat, One donut to crave them all, One donut to feed them, One donut to bring them all and in diabetes bind them.
CptInsane0, …No.
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