Enzy, Swedish Me at the SGU cliffhanger.
EnderMB, That’s me waiting for more episodes of Hajime No Ippo.
kratoz29, That will be me when Attack on Titan ends this Nov 4.
01189998819991197253, Do what I do, and start that mess over! You know what’s better than watching your favorite show? Watching it again!
sheogorath, I have never been able to watch something more than once. The only movie that I can watch more than once is Pacific Rim, because big robots and the story flows so well you don’t realize you’re already at the end of the movie.
sweafa, then you have to go with one piece again
SebSnares, Six seasons and a movie 🥲
ThrowawayPermanente, Parks and Recreation. Rest in peace, baby.
AlecSadler, Billions for me. The spinoffs don’t sound appealing.
lunarul, Try binging an entire show for several nights in a row just to find out the last episode hasn’t aired yet…
RickyRigatoni, WATCH IT AGAIN :D
pythonoob, The Expanse :/
RizzRustbolt, Watch One Piece.
lichtmetzger, Shitt’s Creek could’ve gone on forever, change my mind.
01189998819991197253, I will not change your mind. I agree completely.
BigDaddySlim, I binge watched Bill Hader’s “Barry” when the last season came out and didn’t know what to do afterwards.
Also had the same feeling when Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad both ended. Such good shows.
TheControlled, RIP The Expanse. Relatable meme.
01189998819991197253, The exact show that came to mind when I saw this meme. I WANT MORE!
TheControlled, There’s hope. Just rumors, but hope.
sheogorath, IIRC the current plan is to secure a new source of funding. It might take years, but I think it’ll work out because the next novel is basically a time skip to a new arc with a new set of main characters.
01189998819991197253, They’re books?! Flippin A!
TheControlled, Give me Naomi or give me death.
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