EherVielleicht, Can you pls change the title into: you’ve beef warned
The_Eminent_Bon, This is big, will I be notified?
TheBat, Why the beef has Russian last name?
10_0, Glad to see companies advertising on lemmy
GrammatonCleric, mmm, sour cream and chocolate
0ops, I dunno guys, I think there could be a market for this
TheYear2525, In my native land, we call it mole.
PopcornPrincess, Mole or molé? 😱
tpihkal, Not my proudest stroganoff…
doctorn, This has offended me on so many levels…
Damn you, memes! Shakes fist
happybadger, Over rice? Why wouldn’t you serve it with egg noodles? Over rice is just like making it a shitty curry.
Gork, It’s just the base layer for the chocolate to permeate. It’s traditional to use rice when dipping the beef stroganoff in chocolate to make Snicker-anoff.
Mothra, Holy canoli, not only it’s beef stroganoff- it’s stock photo beef stroganoff!
EmpathicVagrant, Just needs a side of beans and it would be perfect for a 3 day trip
RQG, beef stockanoff
Masimatutu, Bet it also contains beans and sturgeon
Edit: Bean Störganoff
eezeebee, I heard that if you take even one bite, you won’t poop for 3 days
idunnololz, What is this? A crossover episode?
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