At what point does one start eating the pizza? When it’s texture is remarkably similar to the cardboard box it’s sitting in? Full pizza… at almost the end of the movie… I mean… it doesn’t even makes sense if you were binge watching the trilogy. That, now that I call bullshit.
And we can all at least understand when it doesn’t get closed after someone takes a slice. Maybe the last person thought someone else was going to get a slice? But a box remaining open with zero slices removed… that’s not human.
The next person has to be ready to reach for the slice. I don’t care if someone is intending to get a slice. The slice is being grabbed or the box is closed. It’s like holding the door open. If it shuts before you’re in reaching distance, your timing wasnt correct. It’s never rude to shut the box, it always courtesy. This is serious pizza business, and right now our world runs on pizza time. Guess what? It’s pizza time.
there’s something really funny about the idea of the hitherto metaphorical kids on one’s lawn clipping the lawn, and that being the thing that gets the old guy all grumpy in this scenario. Like not loitering or doing drugs, just unauthorised lawn maintenance.
I read it as 'walk across the corner of your lawn". Old geezers meme is them yelling at people to “stay off my lawn” Although unauthorised lawn maintenance would piss them off just as well I suppose.
That’s by far the most disturbing thing about this post. The movie is 2.35:1. This looks even closer to square than 4:3. If you watched the movie with this framing you’d be missing more than half the movie.
Unfortunately, by the time widescreen formats for home viewing became common Star Wars was butchered into a shadow of its former self, so unless you’re going to sail the high seas you’ve got to pick your poison.
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