I think there are a good amount of people who are on the fence who would be persuaded by the detailed argument in this comic. The thing that the author is trying to convince people of is subtle and invisible to most people.
How do you tell people that this invisible thing exists and that they might be the one perpetuating it without putting them off?
It’s like asking your well meaning friends not to use ‘retarded’ as an insult. Sure, they aren’t saying this to hurt disabled people, but they are unaware that it does. The best way to change their minds isn’t by saying ‘you’re offensive’ and decry their character. It’s by slowly and gently telling them that you know they don’t mean to, but this thing that they say hurts people.
I’m not saying that we need to walk on eggshells around every offensive person, I’m saying that slow drawn out explanations without directly criticizing people is what works.