This leaf footed bugs eggs look a little “sus” (
The 'e' on this logotype looks like the Microsoft Edge logo (
This parking lot has half floors (
This moth that was drawn to the candle flame (
I guess that saying “like a moth to the flame” exists for a reason. This lil guy could not help himself.
There's a tiny tree growing in this parking lot. (
Anyone know what kind of tree this is?
The paneling in my sister's basement. If you zoom in the backgound is people's faces. (
My grass doesn’t like that I placed the hose reel on it for too long (
Freedom Parrot (
Large Fourth of July cookie with airbrushed flag, and a very crude depiction of an American bald eagle made with pipped frosting
A scorpion plushie (
This extra long chex piece (
VS a standard one
Spilled water looks like a tiny footstep (
There's a species of orchid called Dracula simia with flowers that look like a monkey's head (
Sheep enjoying paddling in the river Rhine in Cologne (
A local farmer pens their sheep up at various points along the meadows by the river over the summer, and yesterday they were enjoying having some access to the beach for a change.
annoyed bird meme flag (