These things are called skinny pigs. They’re sort of like the pugs of the rodent world, in that they were designed like this because some people think they look cute. Like pugs, their life is eternal suffering. They will never know what it feels like to be warm. They will get sick easier since their body is already battling the freezing 70°F air we prefer, and they also are as inbred as a purebred dog. Their life is short and sad and not worth the $300 per hungry scrotum (and you must get at least two or they will get lonely; for reference, a normal piggy cost about $20-$40)
To make matters worse, one of the ways that piggies argue is by tearing out each other’s butt hair. These little bastard children of somebody’s discarded foreskin have no butt hair. Thusly, you will find out that your little scrotumlings had an argument when you see one of them bleeding, which will need immediate medical attention and might get them infected with something.
The best way to allow your little shivering scrotum to temporarily be not miserable to provide a heating pad to warm themselves in (and pee/poop all over) and lots of loose blankets or cloth to burrow in.
That is interesting, I never considered that these would be bred this way, mainly because it’s still such a novelty to see one. Love the “shivering scrotum” description too 🤣
Especially appropriate since every piggy’s goal in life is to become the most rotund specimen. I imagine this one’s fitness goals involve him being the biggest ballsack in existence, with four little legs sticking out of the side and a food hole in the front
Fun fact: Guinea pigs display dominance by shaking their ass menacingly. They have no depth perception, so they make themselves look bigger by waving their ass back and forth while staring their opponent down. I suspect it is only called “rumble strutting” because pet owners don’t want to say their little boys are in a thunder thigh competition.
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