
mrsgreenpotato, That doesn’t seem to be healthy for the tree at all.
Anticorp, We are Borg.
YashaB, Holy shit. This looks like it’s generated by CGI. Damn, nature is scary, but somehow, awesome!
assassinatedbyCIA, Simultaneously cool and trypophobia inducing for me.
aeronmelon, That tree has been assimilated by the Borg.
rynzcycle, Is there a phobia for what I'm seeing, because I think I have it.
mustardman, I think it’s related to trypophobia, which is fear of patterns of holes and bumps. It’s tied into your ability to perceive disease and the disgust is your body’s avoidance mechanism so you don’t go near.
There is a singular image of a plant so that link shouldnt be too triggering as it doesn’t show images of comparable flesh (at least on mobile).
Zhao, Whoa. That’s wicked cool. Thanks for that.
Lifecoach5000, Dude for real. This disturbs me for the life of this tree.
Stinkywinks, Yeah this vieny shit and trypophobia gets me. This is less bad, but once I was spray painting in the cold and it dried wierd and veiny. Grossed me out.
gsfraley, I know right? I can’t quite put my finger on why, but it gives me “Fault of Amigara” vibes
Catoblepas, It feels very Southern Reach to me (books, I haven’t seen the movie).
electrogamerman, Fourpophobia
Booker, ![]()
Root Square.
orl0pl, Square root of one tree
Gooboob, Cool
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