The awkwardly adorable way seals move on land is called "galumphing"

RIP_Cheems, ![]()
Why does this sound like an incorrect spelling of galloping?
hiramfromthechi, ![]()
I’m reporting this post. I didn’t consent to being recorded getting outta bed in the morning.
Tagger, You should see how mattresses move
Tagger, Yes, that’s what I was referencing. 😊
steakmeout, Oh I know. The URL is for those who don’t know where their towel is.
Tagger, Thanks you hoopy frood.
bfg9k, ![]()
just_squanch_it, I expected this
coaxil, This one always gets me, hahhahaha
just_squanch_it, fucking same!
czarrie, There it is!
bob_wiley, ![]()
justlookingfordragon, ![]()
Wellllll … I’ve never personally tried it myself (=P) but AFAIK it should not hurt. Seals have a very thick layer of fat under their skin (blubber) so it probably feels like bouncing on a gym mattress at worst. Plus, their natural habitat is full of uncomfortable looking rocks anyway (example) and it would be an evolutionary disadvantage if they were in pain all the time from just moving around. Flat pavement without sharp edges probably feels less uncomfortable than those rocks.
PalmTreeIsBestTree, Life uhh finds a way
SpaceCandy, The one bucking the curve riding side saddle is way ahead of the game.
kite, It looks like he’s missing a flipper. I bet that really wreaks havoc on his balance / equilibrium.
gullible, I wish I were a seal so I could galumph and poop at the same time.
kite, I mean, nothing is stopping you now. Live your dream!
Jordan117, One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
BongRipsMcGee420, The second coming of u/poem_for_your_sprog?
vern1, Alas, not original like Sprog, just an individual with quite refined tastes quoting from the excellent classic poem by Lewis Carroll
brewbellyblueberry, Lol, “One, two! One, two!” at the beginning had me thinking it’s Danny Brown or Quasimoto or something.
fubo, Well if the physicists can steal “quark” from James Joyce, the sealologists can steal “galumph” from Lewis Carroll.
(“Quark” rhymes with “Mark” in the original, though; not with “dork”.)
Sanctus, ![]()
Do people actually pronounce it qork?
gnutrino, Murray Gell-Mann did (the guy who named them for anyone unaware). The general opinion seems to have been similar to that of the guy who invented the gif however: just because he named it doesn’t mean he wasn’t wrong about how it is pronounced.
Freshfrozenplasma, So I just started galumphing…
Ubermeisters, So there I was, gallantly triumphing
Endorkend, ![]()
Imagine how stupid we look to water dwellers with our methods of self propelled moving trough water.
I bet the water fauna doesn't consider it swimming either and probably would have some funny name for it if they used a universal language.
WorldWideLem, It’s just sinking with style
GreenMario, Whale: look at the hairless ape galumphing. They’re so cute 🥰
galacticDust, ![]()
I didn’t get a galumph outta that guy!
DessertStorms, ![]()
I'm in this post, and actually, I'm ok with it... ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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