Whoa you were not kidding about that being pink. Holy cow. I mean…the pink grains could potentially be garnet but I’m a little doubtful and unsteady at saying that for sure. They have conchoidal fracture and a vitreous sheen which could easily be quartz, perhaps stained by something else going on in the area (Mn? > Fe).
Those blue green grains are fricken neato, I don’t have a good explanation for them and can’t really get a good look from the photos.
I see a couple of green grains that could be epidote or some other green mineral, and one that looks a little olivine-esque but it’s hard to tell.
It’s one of those things that you poke and prod and rotate and stare at for a while before giving a broad, hand wavy guess.
It would probably be helpful to look up the location and the formation to get a better sense of what to expect.