Kolanaki, I loved these… Does Del Monte even still make pudding?
FlyingSquid, Jeez. I’m surrounded by kids. That’s the way we ate pudding in the 80s. And we liked it that way!
You don’t get that reference either, do you?
Snapz, My family buys bulk pudding… By the handful.
pseudo, Some still does.
Je n’ai rien contre une boîte de Mont-Blanc, moi.
tory, Is that a plastic spoon?
TheControlled, “…and the taste is always shit”
Ghostalmedia, Cool. Now I feel old.
UKFilmNerd, As a UK resident, I only know about these because Bill and Ted used some to repair the phone booth time machine.
carbonprop, This is for wealthy families.
pastaPersona, We grow great taste
GrammatonCleric, It was good af too
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