Is there a way to tell what eggs might have deep orange yolks? I find they taste (and look!) much better. Most eggs from the store over the last year have been very pale yellow yolks.
I used to raise chickens when I was a kid and never got chased by a rooster for some reason, in fact usually it was the other way around. But my neighbors down the road had turkeys that they let roam free range around their property. I was a fucking short, scrawny little kid and they were almost as tall as me, and territorial af. At least a couple times I had to run for my life from those velociraptors just because I happened to turn a corner and bump into them while hanging out with that family. They’d just look at you, spread their tail feathers and start trotting at you making weird-ass noises. Fuckers are scary af
♫ When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs, every morning to help me get large. Now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a barge! ♫
I looked this up on Google and several sites say that you can tell what color eggs a hen will lay by looking at their earlobes… I didn’t even know chickens had earlobes lol
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