solarvector, I’m not convinced it is even possible to have a great script for another oceans movie
schnapsman, That one episode of Rick and Morty ruined all heist movies for me forever.
Delphia, You son of a bitch, me too.
yoast, IDK I saw Logan Lucky for the first time last year and it kinda blew me away. I think heist movies can still be great with the right script
Chaser, From the same director as Ocean’s 11. I believe in the movie they joke that it’s Ocean’s 7/11
mycatiskai, There was that interesting heist miniseries that could be watched in random order and still make sense. It was an interesting concept.
I believe it was called Kaleidoscope, all the episodes were a color. White first, Black last but any other episode order still worked.
canthidium, Daniel Craig is so great in that movie. I’m here for the Daniel Craig funny accent universe.
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