I could see the AI claim. Look between the middle guy’s legs. Is that the bottom of the car, the metallic rail thing (I’m not a car person)? Is it a reflection really bright on the ground? It doesn’t line up with the rest of the car.
Look at the the left guy’s right hand. Is he holding something? Or are his fingers fucked up like AI tends to do?
And the left side of the cover, behind the guy, is that another car? Or a truck? It wouldn’t fit into that space. It doesn’t make any sense. I could very much see this being AI.
It to mention, maybe the most telling, is the “picture taker’s” pointing hand. Is that the thumb? Where are the rest of the fingers? You would see the second knuckle in that position, or you’d see the fingertips curled into the palm. It’s just a blur of he vague idea of fingers. I’m pretty damn sure this is AI.