Every time I see a discussion on the topic of intermissions or movies being too long, I have to recommend the RunPee app. Been using it for years and I never worry about missing anything when I have to go.
The app has a timer that you start at the beginning of the movie and there are “peetimes” where you can either be notified or keep an eye out for key words to remind you it’s a good time to go. Then while you’re doing your business, you can can read a short synopsis of what you missed. The devs try to find the best times where you won’t miss much and they even tell you what times are the best out of the few they pick. They are very spoiler conscience so you don’t have to worry about getting spoiled.
The app also tells you if there’s anything during or after the credits so you know whether you should wait or not. I’m not affiliated with them in any way. It’s just one of my most used apps and I want to spread the word.