Which PG-13 film made the best use of its one allocated F-word?
Pic is from Alita: Battle Angel. I thought it was a well-chosen moment, in a strange, otherworldly film to suddenly drop this, and left me feeling hyped up for the good guys.
Pic is from Alita: Battle Angel. I thought it was a well-chosen moment, in a strange, otherworldly film to suddenly drop this, and left me feeling hyped up for the good guys.
CreativeCider, The fact that we have to be shielded from the bad word “fuck” in media in this day and age is somewhat outrageous in itself.
FriendlyBeagleDog, I find it amusing that language is classified based upon frequency of use. If your average thirteen year old hears fuck once, maybe they’ll be okay - but how profane for them to hear it twice or even three times in a two hour timespan.
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