Fediverse !MusicLeague - Play the MusicLeague game with people in the Fediverse
I’m setting up the first round now. Please join early, so you will be notified when we start.
You can also make your own game in addition to the community wide one.
How to play?
Until we get a Fediverse version of this, you will need a Spotify account. I can’t fix this unfortunately, it’s up to the MusicLeague people to fix this.
- Every week, there will be a prompt. You will need to pick a song based on that
- The next week, everyone will assign points anonymously
- Enjoy finding new music and reading comments until we get to the end of the game
- The user with the most points will win something (like our admiration)🏆
official user guide: musicleague.com/user-guide/
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