t3rmit3, No shit, what did they think Israel was gonna use their munitions they sent them to do?
Israel’s time enjoying US support is officially borrowed, because young Americans are gonna cut that poisonous umbilical the second we can.
Banzai51, And it won’t turn out like they think it will.
FlashMobOfOne, I’d like to think that. Honestly I would.
Every indication we’ve seen so far is that they’ll vote Democrat and Republican, and the two major parties have exactly the same position with regard to our relations with Israel.
t3rmit3, There’s a significant age gap between most of the vocal critics of Israel in congress right now, and its ardent supporters. In even just 15 years a lot of those ardent supporters will be dead. Younger Democrat congresspersons already have a significantly different set of politics than the old guard, and it’s only going to become more apparent as they become the majority, and don’t have to fear censure by the fogeys.
FlashMobOfOne, I hope you’re right, but I can’t help but be pessimistic about this.
The old may die, but the wealthy will still be in charge, and as we’ve seen with so many issues, like universal background checks or free insulin and birth control, the wealthy have more than enough power to silence the majority, and we enthusiastically vote for it every two years.
bermuda, “we’ve investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”
taanegl, What does this really mean? Like is an agreement broken? I thought the US gave Israel unfettered access to their stockpile?
Banzai51, (edited ) Exactly. I’d be shocked if they DIDN’T find US munitions.
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