TheFriendlyArtificer, Can I expect similar protections for The Satanic Verses, or is this another instance of religion being afforded a special status with the power to control non-adherents lives?
I always get the two mixed up.
vanderbilt, The scope of the bill seems too broad. This will give political ammo to the right-wing populists, who are already riding the wave of anti-immigration.
Kidplayer_666, The problem is, as usual, Flying Spaghetti Monster showing that it’s hard to define what is a religion, therefore abuse
otter, (edited ) I think intent plays a role here. If the goal is to incite a reaction or to hurt a population by publicly burning something that they care about, it’s probably not a great to do
One of those things where you know when you see it, but it’s hard to define explicitly.
If anything, it might help as a temporary measure to reduce tensions and inflammatory incidents
Hirom, The bill has since been reworked to specify that it only applies to holy books from religions recognised in Denmark.
I guess it’s now more clearly defined to reference to religion recognized by Danish administrations.
Kidplayer_666, Didn’t they get legal recognition in like Germany or something? Maybe Denmark is next
Faydaikin, Hard to say. I doubt it though.
As insincere/foolish as our politicians can be, they do seem to take that part somewhat serious.
Like, Scientology isn’t recognized as a religion and such. The list of religions outside of the abrahamic ones is surprisingly short.
derbis, It was in Austria, I think. You’re thinking of the colander-head ID photo?
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