we don’t have a rule against what is effectively posting cringe and i am opposed to a rule of that sort on principle
what is considered cringe is a completely subjective and arbitrary judgement that, if we made it a rule to not post cringe, would lead to a lot more bickering about sourcing. it’d also almost certainly make this place a lot less interesting, a lot more ideologically homogeneous, and a lot more prone to confirmation bias
personally, i am just not all that interested in trying to parse “trustworthy” and “untrustworthy” sources beyond the absolute minimum “is this a crank blog or self promotion”, especially when media is not heterogeneously trustworthy on every possible issue. i don’t think most of our mod team is interested in trying to parse such a thing either
we generally trust our userbase to be discerning
we generally trust our userbase to be self-regulating etc.