That bit around verses 15-20 is the pertinent area.
Simply wait 1 decade, and see: if Israel still exists, as a country, in 2033, I’ll eat a hat.
The nice thing about prophecies is that they can never be proven to be false. Indeed, one would have to examine the future to prove it wrong. Which is either impossible or unrealistic.
Me too I can make a ton of prophecies and claim they will be eventually right. I will never be wrong.
Let’s see. Let me prophesize that:
The US will cease to exist
We will encounter aliens
See where you are living right now? Eventually, it will be filled with lava.
See where you are living right now? Eventually, it will be flooded with water.
A giant comet populated with nyan cats will crash on Earth
However, you can be sure that in 2033 I will come back in this thread and have you eat a hat. Marking the date and the link in my calendar. If lemmy is still alive, that is