iHUNTcriminals, I mean it’s the same in America and supposedly we’re an extra precious special country that’s not shitty.
Kinda weird to see (possible American) people try to flex on Russia when America sucks too.
BirdyBoogleBop, I don’t think it’s just certain countries. I think it’s all of them. Does minimum wage anywhere actually allow you to live?
Elderos, You can live off minimum wage in Canada in some regions, if you’re children-free. It gets harder with kids, though the state will cover some of it of you’re low-income (Like a couple hundred per months, and virtually no income taxes).
n7gifmdn, I don’t think minimum wage is intended to be enough to live on. If you start working as a teenager by the time you have to pay your living expenses it would be quite doubtful that you are still making minimum wage.
Then again, as they say, your milage may vary. In my part of the world there might as well be no minimum wage as even the most entry level positions are offering nearly double the minimum wage.
millie, In US, most people in service industries that pay minimum wage aren’t teenagers. They’re people across all ages. Teenagers may be more represented there than in other sectors, but there are probably a lot more people in the US making minimum wage or a wage tied to minimum than you think.
A looot of service jobs that don’t pay minimum wage are still within a couple dollars of it or so.
BirdyBoogleBop, Offering double is pretty good (Assumedly). Where I live traditionally minimum wage jobs might give you an extra 50p. They are also manned mostly by adults, I mean if they weren’t shops would be shut during school hours.
skullgiver, (edited ) deleted_by_author
DieguiTux8623, Minimum wage does not exist in all EU countries and, even where it exists, don’t take it for granted. Things change faster than you’d expect.
skullgiver, (edited ) deleted_by_author
DieguiTux8623, You don’t seem to know the South of Europe. Or maybe PIGS should not be even labelled Europe because it looks like a different part of the world, nothing of what you mentioned applies. Collective agreements, minimum wages, measurements to stop exploitative job contracts… what is this Soviet Russia?
Send_me_nude_girls, Only half, we got to push harder.
InvertedParallax, Well, you know the Russian motto fits here:
“And then it got worse…”
DieguiTux8623, Because in Europe everything is fine, isn’t it? With the new war inflation is skyrocketing and a new interest raise is around the corner. Thank you EU.
Novemberwind, Why the Whataboutism?
Also, mind to explain how it is the fault of the EU for Russia starting a war against another country?
MayonnaiseArch, I’m also interested in this. In fact all of this could be my fault, so I just want to check. The one thing we can be sure of is that it’s not the Russian war that’s causing any problems anywhere, right? Maybe it’s the phase of the moon, or astrology
DarkThoughts, Inflation rate of the EU is at its lowest since October 2021.
Meanwhile the conversation rate is 99 Ruble for 1€.
So yes, thank you. We're actually doing pretty alright. But I'm sure your propaganda media tells you something very different.
DieguiTux8623, Not propaganda media, I live in Europe and I see the prices, the bills and the rental fees. And my salary. Wish me good luck.
DarkThoughts, Well. If you think the grass is greener on Russia's side, then go on and move over.
I also like how you avoided the other persons question of how that's the EU's fault for Russia to play imperialistic asshole.
DieguiTux8623, Very tolerant… shouldn’t we “on the other side” be more democratic? I wish I could move over as you suggested, unfortunately the only option will be passing away because I’m stuck here. I can’t even get a passport because in my country public offices have stopped working.
DarkThoughts, lmao
What in the absolute fuck does this have anything to do with being democratic? Are you just throwing buzzwords around now? Seriously, just move to Russia and get shredded on the front. It would do us all a favor.
DieguiTux8623, If this is the finest level of respect and politeness that our culture can produce, we deserve to be defeated and collapse. We’re on terminal stage.
DarkThoughts, At least something we can agree on, except that people like you being the reason why that is the case.
DieguiTux8623, I was talking about behavior and word choice being wrong, never about individual people. This has escalated badly, I won’t be answering any more.
DarkThoughts, You made up some word salad that had nothing to do with the topic, got called out for it and now got no actual arguments left. You're welcome.
skullgiver, (edited ) deleted_by_author
DarkThoughts, Hungary is suffering from their own pro Russia policy making & voting, which they're still holding onto. So apologies when I can't bring up a whole lot of sympathies for them and the repercussions they're facing from that. Germany is also not doing the greatest, and for similar reasons, at least in the energy sector. But at least now most parties sans the far left and far right have understood that.
DieguiTux8623, You are assuming that inflation will stop, but after the new war oil and gas prices (so energy prices, and therefore the price of any retail good) are increasing dramatically. Another cycle of the depressive spiral is coming for Europe… the only positive aspect I can think of is that this part of the world is responsible for the misery and poverty of other areas of the world (say Africa) so in the end this will be a sort of very much due nemesis. But from here to saying that “everything is going to be alright” sounds like gaslighting.
skullgiver, (edited ) deleted_by_author
DieguiTux8623, I wouldn’t be surprised if the EU stands to gain money from this conflict
I think we, as Europeans, missed a chance to help those in need and to stand for the weakest and most defenseless. And I would not be surprised to witness how neighbouring foreign cultures hate us.
sndmn, Sad trombone noises…
ThemboMcBembo, Have some empathy. These aren’t oligarchs plotting a foreign war, these are everyday people (half the country!) being forced into poverty.
ribboo, It is however people that in very high degree support their president.
java, How does this support manifest? I’m asking, because there are no real signs. Russian army is struggling to find soldiers and Putin is afraid to start another wave of mass-mobilization.
If somebody echoes propaganda, it doesn’t mean that they support anything. There are no actions confirming this support.
There are many more nuances. I suggest reading at least one book on yhe topic of political science and listening to some lectures before coming to conclusions on such a complex matters.
Destraight, And? The Russians are the bad guys invading Ukraine. Did you forget that?
explodicle, The invaders are Russian but most Russians have no real control over their government. It’s easy to suggest “then revolt” when that’s not you.
nicetriangle, I have a hard time squaring that sentiment with information like this:
RogueBanana, The link you attached already mentions that isnt accurate. Not everyone living in Russia will publicly annouce they are against their government even if they are.
aniki, deleted_by_author
RogueBanana, I don’t and there are many records of Germans who helped Jews and acted against Hitler so why blame everyone. Hate the actual Nazis not the commoners who had no choice.
aniki, deleted_by_author
RogueBanana, Me neither but can you say the same about others in this thread or the comment we are replying to? They seem to actually wish harm to all Russians.
aniki, deleted_by_author
RogueBanana, Mate you’re the one making assumptions here as I even said seem to despite people literally saying its hard to sympathize with Russians. Either way this is going in a completely unrelated direction and pointless to argue more.
java, Define “we”. I don’t know anyone doing that, bar impulsive people on social media.
Spuddaccino, For real. Just because Putin is a Bond villain doesn’t make every citizen of Russia one of his goons.
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