Well, that explains a lot. Shrooms are great, everyone should do it once in their life. But they should only do it somewhere safe, calm and ideally with a sober "trip sitter".
Part of me wants to feel sorry for the guy, but it was beyond reckless and stupid for him to be tripping in a cockpit, let alone on a plane at all. Especially for his first time! His dealer isn't culpable for the pilots actions, but obviously didn't prepare him on what to expect. Everything would've been fine if he had just gone to his basement with a bunch of stuffed animals and some chill music.
Edit: After reading some comments, if he took shrooms two days earlier than it's not the cause. Maximum your trip lasts like 12 hours. Sleep deprivation seems more likely to me
He was off duty. Tripping in a cockpit would be awesome as a mere spectator but this was irresponsible of both him and the pilot (if the shroom state was known).
Oh, so it was likely the sleep deprivation and not the mushrooms? 12 hours and a good sleep later you should be just fine after taking mushrooms. That’s like 20 hours, tops.
I think the headlines play on mushrooms for outrage and clickbait. It makes readers feel better that there is something tangible that can be “controlled” rather than a hard to define cause of someone’s seemingly functional brain misfiring badly.
The article says it was the guy’s first time using mushrooms - which means he didn’t know what effect they would have on him. So on one hand, this was not foreseeable because he wouldn’t have had any way of knowing that taking mushrooms would cause him to not sleep for 40 hours. On the other hand, given that mushrooms can have adverse effects on some people, and he had no way of knowing if he’d be one of those people, taking mushrooms shortly before getting on a plane probably wasn’t the best decision. “Guy makes stupid decision” is definitely the headline here, rather than “mushrooms are bad”.
The moral panic slippery slope of: Pilots shouldn’t be using psychedelics therefor nobody should be using psychedelics.
And in any case, the article states that he wasn’t even a member of the flight crew but was sitting in the jump seat and had been operating on 40 hours without any sleep and didn’t say when he actually consumed the mushrooms.
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