Every year that ends in a zero, the United States Census is supposed to interview every human living in USA, right? I don't recall that happening to me since the year 2000. Anybody else?
2000 was the last time they had people go door to door (I did it for an area in my city. It was pretty decent pay for an easy job). Since then, in 2010 they sent out a version of the questioner in the mail, and 2020 was basically just a postcard with a link to the online version.
The only way they really know if you should get a questioner is by taxes. If you haven’t done taxes in the last years or whatever then you probably didn’t get asked anything.
I get a census form in the mail every ten years. No matter how early I send it back someone still comes to my door trying to take the census again after that lol
Didn’t they also drag it out in city centers in order to deliberately undercount the urban population? I seem to remember that it went on forever, and then they just quit without finishing some conveniently high-minority areas.
2020 it was just a postcard. They don’t send someone to your house unless there’s a discrepancy or you didn’t fill it out. Anyone could fill it out from your house too, but it should be head of household.
Do you often find yourself daydreaming of a life you never lived? Do you sometimes wonder if your accomplishments will be remembered? Are you able to pass through solid objects like doors or other people? Do you occasionally feel light headed or sleepy for no reason?
While this is giving me a chuckle, I can attest that I had to provide someone my passport and driver’s license today and they were looking at me in the eyes and talking to me And I did a transaction with them and I entered another brick and mortar store today and paid for goods and services and I really think I’m a real human.
Yes, but have you walked into a solid object like a wall to ascertain whether you can pass through it? I mean I check every once in a while to make sure I haven’t gained any supernatural powers. I recommend head first for entertainment value. Please report back.
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