I’ve always felt guilty by taking for granted the rare breed of virtuous humans that provide free excellent software without relying on advertising. Let’s change that and pay, how much would I “lose” anyway?
I’m now on fixed income but I appreciate FOSS. I usually try to donate, especially if the project accepts bitcoin which I’ve had for a while so it costs me less. Too bad many projects don’t. That includes Wikipedia and they keep asking why I stopped.
Same. Any place asking for donations that supports Bitcoin lightning is an instant donate for me, I always give something even if it’s a small amount. Lightning fees are so low that I’m happy to give small amounts whereas otherwise I’m worried my $3 donation will turn into $0.50 by the time it reaches the organization if it’s through Paypal or whoever.
Many projects accept donations, for example for server costs or travel expenses (conferences, meetings). You can setup recurring monthly transfers to projects whose software you use most often. Examples are the Free Software Foundation for various GNU tools or the KDE project.
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