My uneducated guess based on the comments is that I mentioned Epic Games in the title. With that said, I’d like to know too since if it’s my horrible grammar, spelling, and/or opinion I’d like to know.
If you’re coming from newer Metroid titles you might want this. It is a romhack that has a number of quality of life patches like GBA-style missile and aim controls, faster door transitions, and not locking backtracking from the final save room, etc.
This game hasn’t even been released yet. This is the patient gamers community. We’re not patient because we’re waiting for games to be released, we’re patient because we don’t buy games until months or years after their release.
Just wanted to plug in case you weren’t already aware, isthereanydeal is a pretty great one stop shop for looking for sales across a ton of storefronts. Pretty easy to import a steam wishlist to it as well.
Personally, Imma wait for it until I have a machine that can run it in its full glory and a screen that can display it in its full glory. So gonna take a couple years, but I‘m not running out of good games to enjoy in the meantime.
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