“Here is a work around to fix [weird bug in production]:”
“Edit: Disregard the above. It fixes [weird bug in production] but causes [bad thing] to happen.”
“Edit 2: Apparently the first edit is wrong. It doesn’t cause [bad thing] to happen. Bad thing just happened to occur simultaneously the first time I did the workaround.”
“Edit 3: [weird bug in production] has been fixed. This workaround is no longer needed.”
“Edit 4: Turns out [weird bug in production] we fixed is what allowed our systems to communicate with one another. Had to rollback change. Work around is now considered ‘the fix’ going forward.”
“Edit 5: Turns out it DOES cause [bad thing] to happen, but [bad thing happening] is a core component of our system’s design and also PAYROLL NEEDS IT TO FUNCTION?!”