During setup there will be a page that asks if you want to create or restore from backups. If you hit “restore”, it’ll ask you to point it to the backups folder inside the Tachiyomi folder. Tachiyomi has backups set up by default, but if it’s disabled you can go to the settings to create a backup
Tachij2kfriends, I saw the mihon dev post somewhere that tachij2k shouldn’t be used anymore. Is there a reason for that? Everything is still working on my end, and until it doesn’t I intend to just keep using tachij2k unless there’s a good reason not to. I also read somewhere that the Dev for j2k said he was gonna make some changes, but I wasn’t able to verify that… Anyone know anything more? Thanks
If it works on your end, no reason to stop using it. The reason they suggested to move elsewhere is because, at the time, there was no indication that j2k had any plans for continued development. Might’ve changed since they put that out, but that’s what they sajd
The reason the Mihon de said that is because j2k is using an older tachiyomi base iirc. Updates on it have been on the slower side.
It’s still being actively worked though (as far as I know) and it still works fine, so there’s no reason to switch off of it for now. If Jay does drop it then you should move onto mihon or its forks (TachiyomoSY and TachiyomiAZ will be based off of mihon in future versions).
It’s simple. Go to Tachiyomi and create a backup. Then, in Mihon, during the first setup, it should give an option to restore backup. You can also resotre backup in Mihon settings, then go to extensions and (trust) the restored extensions.
It’s pretty much the same app at its core. So no need to change file names or formats. Everything should transfer.
If anyone’s wondering why Mihon looks slightly different than Tachiyomi, the reason is this is a fork of TachiyomiSY, which has some changes/features over Tachiyomi (e.g. a predicted next chapter release date).
What I wrote is all wrong. I’ve just looked through the commit history and Mihon is a fork of Tachiyomi and currently it doesn’t have any changes besides branding and being Android 8+.
I don’t know why I believed otherwise, but it might be F-Droids 3 months old Tachiyomi build, which lacked many features compared to up-to-date TachiyomiSY.
Kakao (or whatever they’re called) were going after everyone involved, so Tachiyomi has been deprecated, one of the devs forked it and will continue development.
A long time Tachiyomi developer made the commits making branding changes to Mihon, so they might work together. But as they didn’t fork TachiyomiSY, its dev might continue work on it too.
I have read that the SY devs will now fork from mihon, and that they will develop both I think. No idea about the tachi dev. If that’s the case then I guess that that dev also worked on SY, or they talked or whatever. I’ll keep an eye on the commits and repo.
The devs just said fuckit afterwards, as you do when you get a lawsuit saying your about to be so far in debt because of your side project that your whole life will be turned up side down.
Kakao (hopefully) won’t get to know the real names of the developers, which will prevent them from suing the devs personally.
They could try to DMCA claim the repo, but Tachiyomi is completely legal, so hopefully Github won’t take it down. Github previously helped youtube-dl after they got DMCA notices.
As far as we know, TachiyomiSY has the same relationship with Mihon as it did with Tachiyomi previously. Maybe it’ll change since SY’s dev is also said to work on Mihon, but we’ll see.
At the moment Mihon is the same as Tachiyomi with changed branding.
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