abieNathanTheyThem, 1 year ago If your is device rooted, check the hosts file located at “/system/etc/hosts” If anyone has tampered with it, that’s unusual! Otherwise, I recommend using a privacy-hardened browser such as Mull. www.f-droid.org/packages/us.spotco.fennec_dos/gitlab.com/divested-mobile/mull-fenix For context, personally using ProtonVPN with a custom NextDNS for extra security.
If your is device rooted, check the hosts file located at “/system/etc/hosts” If anyone has tampered with it, that’s unusual!
Otherwise, I recommend using a privacy-hardened browser such as Mull. www.f-droid.org/packages/us.spotco.fennec_dos/gitlab.com/divested-mobile/mull-fenix
For context, personally using ProtonVPN with a custom NextDNS for extra security.