Any digital traces I leave behind no longer bother me and my privacy is now assured.
No one will care what is on my accounts and I think it is hubris for 99.9999% of the population to think otherwise.
EG: Of the approximately 1,000,000 people who have died on earth in the past week, unless you are Mathew Perry, no one cares what is in your protonmail account.
Legit, some dude in US Congress is wanting to crack down on China via..... RISC-V exports, because oh no, the technology is too open and might give China some of our IP. Oh and by the way, dude has a pretty big Intel portfolio, but nevermind that!!
As an aside, why the hell are lawmakers allowed to trade stocks?
This seems like an insane price. I’m generally not opposed to ad-based services offering an optional subscription to remove ads, but holy shit. $13 / mo. for social media? Fuck the hell off.
Didn’t you know? Disabling ad blockers ensures free speech and apparently may also peacefully end the current crisis in the middle east… oh, did I mention it helps with world hunger too?
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