Realistically I’ve never been banned, rate-limited or affected when using Aurora. I would recommend at least using microG installation as well though. I suspect that phones that look most suspicious would be ones that never formally “logged into” Google Play Services normally as well, so make sure you’ve logged into your chosen Google account once with the phone in it’s stock full OEM Google Play Services configuration.
Critically, Do Not Use the “Built in Anonymous Accounts” In Aurora! That’s just painting a target on your backside and would probably make your device look even more suspicious to whatever AI is swinging the banhammer these days.
Setting up a fresh, new, Google account is critical. Then go about “hardening” the account by setting up TOTP 2FA and disabling all the unwanted tracking options in your Google Account page. You can even generate “app passwords” here that can work for logging into Aurora.
My advice to you is to use this one new Google account across any Google Services you need to log into. Do not just log into microG and Aurora with your new account! Throw it a bone and log into a Youtube page or some other Google Service like GMail every once in a while, even if you do so from the phone’s browser only.
The more suspicious and single purpose the account appears to be; the less it blends in and could potentially be suspended by some wayward AI.