Imprint9816, Is it just one guy constantly creating new accounts to make these low effort troll posts? Feels like there have been 3 or 4 this week
Limitless_screaming, Yes, and maybe the accounts posting the racist Gnome meme, and the anti Indian copy-pastas. All of these accounts are created on the same instance, because of poor moderation.
UEFI is still pretty sketchy though.
Rustmilian, If they start posting anti-trans anti-wayland wojak “memes”, then we know it’s the same person.
sir_reginald, just curious, I get that anti trans posts suck and should be removed, but what’s wrong with anti Wayland posts? it’s just tech talk, not harming anyone.
Limitless_screaming, The posts are low quality, not original, and used for spam. If it was questions, fair criticism, or suggestions, then no one would object.
xkforce, ((( ))) is a nazi dog whistle op
manokox400, Doesn’t change the fact that uefi is malware
Turious, Now this is schizoposting.
LWD, deleted_by_author
Xartle, Yeah, I mean don’t like uefi, but this makes me want to…
Vexz, My thoughts exactly. Next is: "OMG did you know there's the all seeing eye on the dollar notes! That means you're being spied on wherever there is cash!!!!"
Stuff like this just makes me wanna roll my eyes.
Bipta, Okay but did you know about the owl?
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