Honestly blackout blinds will be fine but the real answer is to just to not do anything in your windows you don’t want seen. I personally want sunlight so for me its just a matter of making sure no one else is peering into my windows. Luckily that isn’t culturally accepted
Security is different than privacy. You can have one without the other. You can use standard blinds for privacy. That’s enough. If you want security on your windows, you can use iron bars or bulletproof glass or something.
In terms of privacy, I believe Windows collects a ton of data even if all telemetry is disabled; granted this is an older article, so it might have changed since*.
Your best option is probably running Windows inside a qube in Qubes OS and ensuring that the qube doesn’t have direct access to internet. But, at that point, why not consider switching to Linux instead? Because, you’d have to run at least another qube (with either Linux or *BSD on it) to grab the files off the internet from in the first place.
EDIT: lol, I just noticed it said “window” in the post and not “Windows”. I thought the mentions of “blackout curtains” and “storm shutters” was OP either making a joke or some reference I didn’t get. LMFAO, I didn’t even notice the “Thank me in advance”. Guess I should probably go to sleep after this. Good shit-post OP!
I’m a big fan of Ameliorated, it lets you turn any existing Windows install to a custom one with this thing called “Playbooks”. Their “Revi OS Playbook” has privacy as a rated feature, and although I haven’t used it, Ameliorated has always worked great for me in the past
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