Hmm that’s disappointing for pcloud. Ya I agree with not really trusting MEGA as your only cloud backup due to the previous wipe of free accounts. I have a free account that I use here and there but you never know when they could get wiped again. With a paid plan I’d be less worried about that but still.
Well, I just migrated my kdbx from gdrive to filen and it seems to be syncing properly to the local folder on pop_OS22.04 linux appimage. Not SAF or Rclone but atleast all their apps are opensource. It won’t be usable for kdbx on android until the next android app update which they stated in their blog will add local files integration (I believe this means you will be able to pick files from filen in keepassDX like you can with GDrive) and background uploads. I guess time will tell if there’s the same issues with overwriting files with temp ones I had on GDrive since I’m not 100% sure if that’s an issue with file permissions being pulled by drive or if its an issue with KeepassXC.
Bitwarden is a great option; I keep putting off migrating to it cause I keep having to relocate around the country and have my homelab offline for extended periods. Figured I should wait to host that one till its reliably accessible.