Difference with "Select" and "Copy" availability between browsers
It is my hope that Privacy is the community for this. I think freedom to use browsers the way we intend is a privacy issue.
We have likely all seen or heard that the “Select All” option has been removed from Safari — don’t hate me, I won’t be doing apple again.
That said, manual SELECTING of text still exists.
Here’s the privacy issue:
When I SELECT a small amount of text, I am offered the COPY option.
When I SELECT a few hundred words, even at Gutenberg, I’m given zero time to hit the copy button.
Just now I shifted to Firefox and had zero problem doing what I needed to do.
Could other interested folks confirm this SAFARI bug/irritant/annoyance?
Here’s the page I was using:
In safari, check what happens if you try to copy five words vs. 300 words.
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