tacosanonymous, (edited ) I thought that stuff only worked for the jemhedar.
ummthatguy, (edited ) Lower Decks s4e3 “In the Cradle of Vexilon”. Regarding the singer B’zirtak who overdosed on Ketracel white: “Yeah, that shit will mess you up.” Presumably, other species have been using it recreationally.
KairuByte, You’re thinking of the fact that it provides a required enzyme the Jem’Hadar were specifically designed to not produce.
It’s still a narcotic, even if you don’t lack that enzyme.
teft, (edited ) If some guy is pushing you to take experimental drugs in a war zone just say no.
Learn more about informed consent here.
FlyingSquid, “Some things break in a way that can never be repaired. Only managed.”
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