Am I? Who knows
Source Page. Credit is to SMBC-Comics and even more credit to @aperson who noticed it was missing and found the credit in this comment. Sorry about that and thanks, you’re awesome aperson <3
Source Page. Credit is to SMBC-Comics and even more credit to @aperson who noticed it was missing and found the credit in this comment. Sorry about that and thanks, you’re awesome aperson <3
Tofu_Lewis, Okaaaay, just because you’ve brought it up…
Transporters in Star Trek are shown to definitely not be duplication machines. “Our Man Bashir” (DS9) is probably the most definitive proof of that.
Personally, I think transporter technology explains the staunch atheist (but still open-minded and sometimes spiritualist) Federation mindset: they know that their entire being can be reduced to a matter/energy stream. The transporter makes a devastating philosophical challenge to the idea of a “soul.” Which is, ironically, why so many Federation officers refuse to accept anything that challenges that assumption (VOY “Sacred Ground”).
I’m taking shuttlecrafts.
Anything that ever includes Galaxy Quest is an immediate win from me. Doesn’t help I’ve seen the movie so many times (it’s a movie version of my weighted blanket) that I can vividly hear that ‘exploded’ line in my head.
Fuck you I’ve gotta turn the damn movie on again now.
aeronmelon, Star Trek The Motion Picture’s transporter accident gave me nightmares.
Galaxy Quest’s transporter accident made me laugh so hard I almost pissed myself.
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