The teal shirts were Starfleet's janitors.

AnUnusualRelic, ![]()
I thought that he was poking at a tribble.
"Yup, that one’s a goner, there’s no danger anymore captain. "
aeronmelon, Starfleet is such an altruistic organization that they clean every planet they visit out of respect.
PlasmaDistortion, Was this actually left in an episode? If so, which one?
FlyingSquid, ![]()
I’m guessing it was just a photo taken in between takes. Or just something from some extra footage. It wasn’t in an episode.
PlasmaDistortion, Thanks, I usually look for stuff like this and thought maybe I missed it.
OfficerBribe, Leaving in a boom mic or crew in reflections is already embarrassing, leaving something like this in would be know as the biggest goof in film history.
negativenull, Mariner should be a teal shirt then.
FlyingSquid, ![]()
They changed uniform standards 100 years later.
aeronmelon, Teal is the new red.
Pickle_Jr, I would 100% take a luxurious shit in the holodeck.
bionicjoey, That’s not the word being used there lol
Pickle_Jr, I blame text to speech 😂
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