I have a hard time believing you’re not being willfully obtuse here. Does it really need to be spelled out to you that STD already has a meaning? Sexually Transmitted Disease.
No one acronyms Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to STDS9, Star Trek: The Next Generation to STTNG, Star Wars: The Force Awakens to SWTFA, Star Wars: A New Hope to SWANH, or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 to CODMW2. You drop the prefix: DS9, TNG, TFA, ANH, MW2.
Alternatively, no one shortens the above to STD, STN, SWA, SWH, CDM.
In verbal conversation, calling it Disco saves you a syllable compared to STD. In text, DSC is the same amount of characters.
There’s no point trying to defend your choice here. You call it STD because you don’t like it and calling it STD made you chuckle. I get it, it made me chuckle the first time. I really don’t care whether you like it or what you choose to call it. I watched most of season 1 and it just didn’t click for me.
I just can’t imagine being the kind of person that would try to say they don’t understand why calling it STD could be taken badly. Wow. Reminds me of school days, the kids with the sheer audacity to tell the teacher they didn’t bring a cellphone into a test while their pants are blasting out a compressed to hell 30 second loop of a top 10 song as a ringtone.