It’s why I simply do not respect the opinions of people who say “I gave up on Discovery/SNW/Picard/LD in the first or second season.” I never have and I never will. That stance has an extreme double standard and I simply do not have a single ounce of respect for people who push it.
Those shows have around 10 episodes a season.
TNG, DS9, and VOY had about 20-24 per season.
They also ALL started with some really shitty opening seasons. Voyager didn’t get going until season 4ish, DS9 didn’t until late season 2/season 3. TNG took about two seasons to fully find its feet and have some of the most godawful TV of all Star Trek.
The same people whinin about New Trek will sit through all that garbage but won’t sit through 2 seasons of Discovery/Picard when it’s fewer episodes than a single season of OldTrek
If you say you don’t like the show then you don’t like the show. But anyone who says" I gave up after Season 1 or Season 2" I just immediately write off. I’ll still be respectful and kind and polite and care about them but opinions on what is and isn’t good Star Trek? Discarded on sight.