The REAL Frasier Reboot they're hiding on Paramount+
All text below can be safely disregarded. I just didn’t want to delete so the context of the other comment could at least be maintained.
Original Title: “Goodbye for now”
Sidenote: This will be the last meme I’m going to post for a while. Things just exploded in my face and “crisis” isn’t strong enough word. I’m not doing okay and I don’t want to be whining in the comments or maybe lashing out at people because I’m stressed and afraid.
I’ll be back when I can. I dunno when that will be. Love you guys.
Live long and prosper 🖖
Edit: Fucking computers with fucking people and fucking close deadlines and shit being fucking received days before a fucking letter is supposed to go out so the fucking letter is sent fucking preemptively and gives me a fucking stroke.
I’m not going anywhere. Love y’all.
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