AngryHumanoid, Hell Ro got shitcanned from Starfleet TWICE and still ended up a Commander ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
AllonzeeLV, (edited ) I mean, it’s fine to disobey orders if it turns out obeying orders would have killed everyone.
Just as with Kirk, kind of hard to make the call to demote someone who can credibly state “you and everyone everyone loves would be a borg, dead, or living in a fascist dystopia if I followed your orders.”
It’s kind of a derivation on “If you aim to kill the king, best not miss.” if you aim to flout the rules without consequences, you better get species saving outcomes.
Amputret, I mean, the dickhead preferred being bundled into a Sanctuary District in (current year) over 25th century utopia after literally being imprisoned by ICE.
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