
The_Picard_Maneuver, ![]()
If you put a hat on Ricard (not to be confused with Piker), you’d get Abraham Lincoln.
Spot, ![]()
I was kinda torn between an Abe look alike and an Amish in space…
clay_pidgin, Piker looks rather like Johnny Depp there. Just needs the dangly earings.
The_Picard_Maneuver, (edited ) ![]()
Or… Hear me out - I may have been staring at this photo too long - but does Piker sort of look like Troi put on a bald cap and a fake mustache as a bit?
No, that’s crazy. I need caffeine or something.
ummthatguy, ![]()
MelodiousFunk, ![]()
And if you remove the beard, you get my brother in law. Who is admittedly not as famous as Lincoln, but I’m more interested in creeping out my sister in law.
x4740N, (edited ) ![]()
Picard looks like a butch lesbian wearing a fake mustache to a costume party while Riker looks like a character from “The Adventures of TinTin” movie
z500, ![]()
Captain Buck Angel
TedZanzibar, This is such a perfect description that it could be the alt-text for the image.
distantsounds, Capt Janeway, your assistance is needed
ummthatguy, ![]()
Kichae, Me, noticing Riker: "I don't get it. Why is Abraham Lincoln here?"
Me, finally noticing Picard: "KILL IT WITH FIRE!"
saltnotsugar, “Four score and seven years ago…what’s happing to me!?”
BeardedSingleMalt, The guy on the left looks like Lucas Lee from Scott Pilgrim, and the right looks like Matt Damon
Thcdenton, I really don’t like this
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