A most honorable breakfast
(not my edit)
(not my edit)
VicksVaporBBQrub, “When one can pick up a knife, and fork, one inevitably becomes a man.”
RizzRustbolt, Even Worf would have a tough time with some of the brawls the House.
HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, Gagk morning to you, and your house!
FlyingSquid, Sir, I protest! I am not a line cook!
OldManBOMBIN, Damn, I got banned for a week for fake spoiling a show that’s already off-air and I’ve been missing making these stupid comments.
Also I gotta get into late-night diners.
OhStopYellingAtMe, (edited ) “It is a Good Place To Dine!”
Nougat, Today is a good day to Fry.
ChicoSuave, (edited ) A great honor upon thy house
DarkGamer, Honorable combat and waffles for every hour of the day, however long those are on earth.
ares35, instead of oj, you get prune juice, the warrior's drink.
tensorpudding, Now I’m picturing a comedy spinoff set at a 24th century Waffle House run by Klingons. Do not bring dishonor to the House of Waffles!
cybervseas, “Morning to you…and your houseeee!”
Thteven, The brawls here are fuckin legendary.
negativenull, Since this restaurant always remains open, it has given rise to an informal but useful metric to determine the severity of a Dominion Attack and the likely scale of assistance required for disaster recovery.
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