juliebean, hmmm, it’ll have to be spock, spock, and spock, for me.
satanmat, Love it. Took me way too long
teft, (edited ) Pon-farr - TPring (SNW), koon-ut-kal-if-fee - Sarek (TNG), Take a life - Spock (Kelvinverse)
TPring is cold and hot and I love it.
I could totally take old Sarek in a fight.
And Kelvin Spock I’d just use a disruptor because he deserves it.
FlyingSquid, Koon-ut-kal-if-fee is from Amok Time (and later Voyager).
Sarek had Bendii syndrome.
teft, Oh I’m aware. I was saying he is the only Vulcan I could realistically take in a fight. Because he’s old and sickly. And who wouldn’t want to pon farr TPring?
FlyingSquid, Which T’Pring? Or both at the same time?
teft, https://i.imgur.com/9WR2GTA.gif
2 chicks T’Prings
FriendOfElphaba, The great thing is that when you get with one of them you don’t have to worry about wearing protection. You’re going to get Vulcanized.
Crackhappy, That may be one of the best puns I’ve read all year. Bravo.
Fuck_u_spez_, How about fuck, mary, kill?
FlyingSquid, Leave Mary out of this.
Crackhappy, Mary? Mary Sue? Oh, it’s been ages since I we saw each other last.
FlyingSquid, No, Mary Wiseman.
ThrowawayPermanente, Dark Tilly will fucking kill.
teft, This picture of her always makes me laugh. She embraced that Captain Killy role with zeal.
gregorum, Pok-tem-far-patanay!
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